- Scarves do not kill, Veils do not explode - Saturday, October 21, 2006

(go to the link - one can post comments after the article)

Targeting Muslims - the new Inquisition
By Bradley Burston

Were I a Muslim living in the West, I'd be mad as hell. Not to mention terrified.

Were I a Muslim living in the West, I'd begin to believe that a new Inquisition had begun. An inquisition aimed at no one but Muslims.

Were I a Muslim living in the West, my wife, or my sister, or my daughter might well decide to wear a headscarf or a veil when she went out in public.

Perhaps it would be because she was tired of men and boys ogling her, objectifying her. Perhaps it would be because she felt she was entitled to her dignity. Perhaps she simply might prefer modesty and privacy to fashion slavery.

Perhaps she just thought it was a free country.

And perhaps, on that last point, she would have been mistaken.

For years, and especially since 9/11, law-abiding Muslims have been verbally and physically attacked across North America and Europe. They are scorned for their faith, shunned for their piety, falsely condemned for dual-loyalty, blamed for the crimes of terrorists they abhor.

Of late, however, there has been a disturbing new trend, particularly in Europe, where cabinet ministers and influential lawmakers have increasingly made it their mission to combat, of all things, the head scarf and veil worn by growing numbers of Muslim women and girls.

# In Germany, the states of Baden-Wurttenberg and Bavaria recently introduced legislation to outlaw the wearing of head scarves in schools.

Bavarian Education Monika Hohlmeier said the head scarf was increasingly being used as a political symbol. To the understandable ire of Muslims, Hohlmeier went on to say that it was acceptable to wear Christian crosses or Jewish symbols.

# In Spain, home to the original Inquisition, Minister for Social Affairs Juan Carlos Aparicio was quoted as having said that the Muslim veil was "not a religious sign but a form of discrimination against women," and having compared it to genital mutilation.

# In Britain, the government minister for race and faith relations, Phil Woolas, was quoted this week as demanding that Muslim teaching assistant Aisha Azmi, 24, who refused to remove her veil at work, be fired for that reason.

"She should be sacked," Woolas was quoted as telling the Sunday Mirror. "She has put herself in a position where she can't do her job."

Azmi worked at the Headfield Church of England junior school in Dewsbury, which took pains to state that her suspension had nothing to do with religion.

The scarf issue had already taken center stage when former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, now an MP and Leader of the House of Commons, voiced public objections to the wearing of the niqab, a full-face veil, at face-to-face meetings with his constituents.

The national debate has since widened, with David Davis, a top Conservative Party official, taking the anti-veil stance to a new level.

''What Jack touched on was the fundamental issue of whether in Britain we are developing a divided society,'' Davis said. ''Whether we are inadvertently encouraging a kind of voluntary apartheid.''

The anti-veil arguments dovetail with a parallel campaign, which takes as its premise the concept that Islam itself renders its adherents incapable of integrating into Western societies.

"If you are going to have Islamic schools, the question is whether they are going to embrace Western values," Patrick Sookhdeo, a Pakistan-born Anglican priest in England who converted from Islam, told the New York Times this month.

"I would argue that Islamic values are not compatible with Western values," he said.

And what Western values might these be? Are they the time-honored Western values of intolerance for people of color, suspicion and marginalization of non-Christians, fear and loathing of non-Whites? Exploitation of and contempt for the residents of former imperial possessions and colonies?

At this point, there will be a pause for the springloaded Islamophobes among us to suggest that it is any society's right and duty to protect itself against elements that may foment terrorism. There will be those who will argue that the veil may both mask and encourage extremism.

Perhaps it is time for us in the Western world to declare that Islam has a right to exist.

Perhaps it is time for us to recognize that non-violent, non-Judeo-Christian religious observance is a right, not an act of war.

Scarves don't explode. Veils do not kill. The niqab does not incite.

It takes courage to wear the veil in the West. Certainly, no one should be forced to wear it against her will. But those who do so voluntarily, have chosen to brave ridicule, and perhaps to risk their own livelihood. They have made a choice for self-respect, in the face of all that is vacuous in contemporary Western civilization, where the worship of the superficial has taken on the potency and universality of a state religion.

We in the West have allowed the veil to become the symbol of all that we do not know and do not trust about Islam.

In the Age of Paris Hilton, however, the West desperately needs women who devote themselves to serious pursuits, to the betterment of society, women who believe that self-esteem and dignity are worthy values. If they choose to wear a veil, and we take offense, that is wholly our problem. We have no business making it theirs.

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- Sites for Charity & Zakat - Friday, October 20, 2006

With Ramadan coming to a close, it is essential we think about Zakat and charity. Please take a look at these...

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due." -Al-Baqarah, Ayah 177

1. Islamic Relief Worldwide
Click on the pictures:

"I and the person who looks after an orphan will be in Paradise together like this..." (raising his forefinger and middle finger together). -- Hadith Bukhari

2. National Cancer Institute 57357



"Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists). Has (He) created man from a clot? Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. Has taught man that which he knew not. Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds. Because he considers himself self-sufficient. Surely! Unto your Lord is the return." --Al-Alaq, Ayahs 1:8

A Video for Unicef:

5. Red Cross/Red Crescent

Click on Picture to be directed to Palestine Relief for Red Crescent:

6. Make Poverty History

- Starvation & Suicide ...hand in hand - Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In the 1994 Pulitzer Prize winning photograph on the left, an African boy, nothing but a skeleton, was trying to crawl towards a U.N. Food Shelter, about one kilometer away. Behind his back, a few yards away was a vulture waiting for the boy to die to feast. The vulture did not attack the living boy. It could have. But it has God-given law that it follows. Even the animals have law of God that they obey. Not the man. So many governments, groups and individuals have become worst than the vultures! May God have Mercy on the suffering humanity!

"By the Fig and the Olive, And the Mount of Sinai, And this City (Makkah) of security,- We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing. Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)? Is not Allah the wisest of judges?" (The Holy Quran, Surah 95)

The Truth

The picture is real as is the story of the photographer's suicide, but the alleged wording of his suicide note is fabricated.

Kevin Carter was a South African photojournalist.

The picture of the vulture stalking a starving girl is real and was taken in Sudan in 1993.

He was awarded Pulitzer prize in May of 1994 for the picture.

Two months later he connected a hose to the exhaust pipe of his pickup truck and committed suicide.

His long time friend Judith Matloff wrote in the Columbia Journalism review that Carter was the kind of person who seemed more affected by some of the violent events he photographed.

She says that he would often return from upsetting assignments with bouts crying, drinking, or using drugs.

She says that after he shot his Pulitzer prize winning picture, he "sat under a tree and cried and chain-smoked" and couldn't distance himself from the horror of what he saw.

He was criticized for not helping the boy in the picture and said he did not know what happened to him.

In his suicide note he said he was "depressed...without phone...money for tent...money for child support...money for debts...money!!!!!"

He also said he was haunted by vivid memories of killings, corpses, anger, pain, starving or wounded children, and trigger-happy madmen."

The eRumor includes a comment about world hunger that was created by someone along the way who decided to turn the picture into a lesson about not wasting food.

Such wording was not included in Carter's suicide note.



"When ever you see a person who has more wealth than you or is better than you in face or figure, you should look at someone else who is inferior to you in that respect" (al-Bukari and Muslim)

- Lord of Ramadan - CoTu - Monday, October 16, 2006

- Before the Sand Slips Away (Ramadan) - Sunday, October 15, 2006

By: Muhammad Al-Shareef

Imagine that you are on the beach. You are four years old. The camp leader has told you that you have five minutes to build a great castle.

"Quickly," your three year old Ameer tells you, "the sand here is too soft. Run closer to the water and get better sand!"

Off you run and grab, with your tiny hands, as much sand as you can hold. But, as you run back, plop, plop, plop, you feel the sand slipping through your fingers. You can do nothing about it. In your haste, all the sand has slipped away. Bang. The competition is over. This is the analogy of our lives. This is the analogy of our time in Ramadan.

For many living in Western countries, Ramadan is passed daily with 9 to 5 jobs or school - nights where we may or may not go for Taraweeh. A peak at the TV (may Allah protect us) and the night is over. Back to work where all around us people are eating and drinking from crystal water fountains. Blink. Ramadan is over.

The question of the hour is: how do we take full advantage of this gift of Allah? This is our topic, before the sands of Ramadan slip away.

How many years have we been fasting Ramadan? 10 or 15 or 40 years? Are we 10 or 15 or 40 times better? Or, does it seem like we have arrived back at the drawing board every time Ramadan comes around? All acts of worship are for our own benefit! Don't do it and harm befalls you, which is the way life was programmed.

Ramadan is no small matter. It is one of the pillars of this Deen of Islam... without it one's Islam would not be complete. In this month, Rasul Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) would intensify his worship of Allah ta'ala. In doing so, he laid the foundation for his Ummah after him to emulate.

Ibn AlQayyim (rahimahullaah) wrote: "From his blessed guidance (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) in Ramadan is that he used to intensify and diversify his actions of worship. So, for example, Jibreel used to rehearse the Qur'an with him during the nights of Ramadan. When Jibreel would visit him, he would intensify the amount of Sadaqah that he would give. He was the most generous out of all people and Ramadan was the time when he was most generous. In Ramadan, he would fill his time with Sadaqah, treating people kindly, reciting Qur'an, performing Salah, remembering Allah, and performing I'tikaaf." [from the book Zaad AlMa'aad]

Observers described the way Allah's Messenger (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) gave like Ar-Reeh AlMursalah, like the blessed wind. Why? The blessed wind, as they knew it, was a wind that brought coolness to everyone...no one was denied its blessing. The blessed wind, additionally, was not lazy in bringing its goodness to the people. It would come swiftly to all. This is how Rasul Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) was described, and this is how our service to humanity should be: swift and encompassing. Bi'idhnillah.

Below are ten ideas to and help make the most of Ramadan – before it slips through our hands.

Ten ideas to enhance your Ramadan:
Idea one: Compound Your Siyaam!
Idea two: Operation Guide the Youth
Idea Three: Turnoff TV Month
Idea Four: Dua' Time
Idea Five: Parent Appreciation Month
Idea Six: Masjid Power Hour
Idea Seven: Bad Habit Buster
Idea Eight: The Gift Groove
Idea Nine: Ramadan Muslims, Convert!
Idea Ten: Home Halaqah

Details on each....

Idea one: Compound Your Siyaam!
If you told your financial broker that you just want to keep money in the bank and save it, he would say, "You are wrong." "Invest it in the stock market. That way your money will be compounded – you will earn multiple times what you put in." So now I ask the question: Wouldn't you love to get two times the reward of fasting Ramadan? How?

Zayd ibn Khaalid AlJuhanee narrates that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever gives a fasting person (food) to break his or her fast, he (the one feeding) will get the reward equivalent to the (fasting persons) reward without diminishing anything from the reward of the (fasting person)."

How do we do this? Ask any Muslim relief agency if they have a feed a fasting person program. Subhan Allah, you may find that it only costs $1 to feed a person! So, for $30 you could come out of Ramadan having doubled your reward.

And, we should not forget the needy in our city. We think that in a 'modern' western country or city there are no needy people. That is not true. There are many needy families that are waiting to be discovered. Ask around and you will find a gold mine of people to help, in your own backyard.

I speak about Washington, DC. If one was to have a food drive, all the food could go to needy Muslim families in DC and still not be enough! I've seen this with my own eyes. How blessed it would be to get the youth that just hang out in the back of the Masjid during Taraweeh to take on this task. Organize the collection of the food and distribute it. It can happen! It just takes a leader with vision to set this up for the youth and all the good people who want to make a difference.

Idea two: Operation Guide the Youth
Often in Ramadan, there are khaatirahs, words of wisdom, halaqahs and reminders, all geared to the adults praying Taraweeh. The youth, it seems, are being disrespectful by talking in the back of the masjid.

"Shhhhhsh!" someone shouts at them. "Listen or go outside (and we prefer if you just go outside)!" So, quietly they sneak out of the Masjid and chat and chill all Ramadan. How Eman boosting is that? Remember, Allah commands that you protect your wife and children also.

Try this: Just like there are things for the adults, we could have Ramadan activities and reminders geared specifically for the youth. And, it need not be 'in' the Masjid. Let's say the youth like to chat and chill outside in the parking lot. Why not organize the activity there? Yes, on the basketball court or in the parking lot. Have a 5-minute Khatirah, play games with them, and give them some noble projects to complete in Ramadan.

Again, making a difference like this needs a leader with vision, one who recognizes that the youth are his or her responsibility. I pray that person is you!

Idea Three: Turnoff TV Month
Every parent knows that when they want their child to do well in their studies they tell them, "no TV." If this is for Dunya, then how about someone who wants to excel in Ramadan?

"Fasting and the Qur'an will come and testify on behalf of the 'Abd on the Day of Resurrection. The Fasting will say: O my lord, I denied him food and desires, so allow me to be a means for him to enter paradise. And the Qu'ran will say: O my Lord, I denied him sleep at night so allow me to be a means for him to enter Paradise. And (he will be entered into paradise) because of those two." [Musnad Ahmad]

Try this: Announce in your household that Ramadan is the official turnoff TV month. Be an example for others and do fun and rewarding things instead. Visit people, take on a Ramadan feeding project, increase yourself in knowledge, etc. Turn off the TV and turn on life.

Idea Four: Dua'a Time
Ramadan is the month of making dua'a to Allah, an essential compliment to fasting. Rasul Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "There are three persons dua'a that will be accepted (by Allah). The fasting person, the oppressed one, and the traveler."

Try this: Make a list of all your goals in life. Make a section for your a) personal goals; b) spiritual goals; c) economic goals; and d) contribution goals. Every day during Ramadan, take out your list and make dua’ to Allah to grant you the tawfeeq to accomplish your goals.

Insha Allah, you will attain your goals with hard work, both during and after Ramadan.

Idea Five: Parent Appreciation Month
We all know that the one who wakes us up for Suhoor is our mom. I know it was for me. If not for her alarm clock, her early morning cooking, her motherly love to go and wake everyone up ... well, let's just say our iftars would have become our suhoors. If you are living away from your parents, you know what I'm talking about.

Remember the hadith of the person who doesn't reach Ramadan with forgiveness? The end part of the Hadith says they found their parents in old age and they were not a means for him to enter Jannah!

So, why not announce it loud and clear this month, "Thank you Mom! Thank you Dad!" Let's take care of them this month with extra calls, extra hugs, and extra love.

Idea Six: Masjid Power Hour
During Ramadan, why not spend a few more moments in the Masjid before taking off. This could be done after Fajr or after Asr. Sit back, grab a Qur'an and remember Allah. As your time in the Masjid increases, bi'idhnillaah, your love and heart attachment will increase. Make this your personal Masjid power hour.

Idea Seven: Bad Habit Buster
Many people already do this. They may have a smoking problem or a TV addiction. When Ramadan comes around they say, "I’m going to train myself to stop smoking or to stop watching excessive TV by abandoning it throughout Ramadan."

So, you don't have a smoking problem huh? Everyone has a bad habit and everyone has a recurring sin they pray they could desist from. Make Ramadan the training month by telling yourself to go without this sin for the entire month. Then, if Allah grants one Tawfeeq to complete the month, one should continue to pray to Allah to keep them away from the sin after Ramadan.

Idea Eight: The Gift Groove
Have you ever noticed how beloved a bottle of perfume is when it is handed out by a little four year old Muslim? Everyone loves a gift.

Why not take this a step forward? Go to your local Islamic bookstore and request a bulk purchase of some beneficial Islamic materials, something in the $1 range. Then, hand it out to everyone that comes to your masjid. Bi'idhnillaah, you will find for the little effort one may put, people all throughout Ramadan will be learning from the gift.

Idea Nine: Ramadan Muslims, Convert!
It is true that on the first day of Ramadan, the number of Muslims in the local Masjid multiplies considerably. And, it is a sad moment on the first day after Ramadan that the Masjid attendance drops significantly. This idea is Operation No More Ramadan Muslims. We want people all year long!

Ibn Abbas I'tikaaf: A man came to Ibn Abbas while he was doing I'tikaaf in the masjid and asked him for his assistance. So, Ibn Abbas stood to leave and people around him warned him, 'but you are in I'tikaaf'. He replied, "To assist my brother in fulfilling his need is more beloved to me than to perform I'tikaaf for 2 months in the Masjid of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam)."

Try this: Make a 'compassion crew' that reaches out specifically to Ramadan Muslims. Extra special attention is showered on them and roles of responsibility are delegated to them so that they can participate more in the Masjid. Invite them to special Iftars where they are the center of attention.

With this extra attention and responsibility, bi'idhnillaah, every month will be Ramadan for them and the masjids will be full all year.

Idea Ten: Home Halaqah
Muslim families often keep their worship for the Masjid, but why not make Muslim family time at home. It could work like this: After Taraweeh or Asr, the family gathers together for 15 minutes. There are many things you could do in your Halaqah, the main thing is that you set time aside for it.

For example, each family member may recite a few verses of Qur'an. Or, one of the kids can read a story of the Sahaabah so that all family members can be reminded. Or, each family member can speak about the blessings of Allah upon them and what they have in their lives for which they are thankful.

Just 15 minutes for the home Halaqah. For the entire family, bi'idhnillah, it will be a spring of Eman.

The past saw Muslims that spent their nights of Ramadan awake praying to Allah. It saw days where people, for the sake of Allah, went thirsty.

They knew that this season may never return on them and they heard Allah's words "Ayyaman Ma'doodaat" a limited number of days. Don't let the sand of Ramadan slip away.

- The Woman in Islam & Her Rights -

It is to you, the Cultivator of Generations, Producer or Great Men.

I will point out in it some of what Islam requires of the individual and the society concerning the rights of women .....

1. Have you seen the Jewel? Why is it that the people love it while it is simply a piece of stone? It is because it is not so easy to see it, nor can you touch it except by paying an exorbitant price. Similar is the case of the woman – it is forbidden for a man to see her or touch her, in order that he does not dishonor her. She is like an untouched (pure) jewel, which is affected by the least touch.

2. Have you seen how a rose wilts, withers, and loses it luster and beauty if it is touched too much. Likewise, the woman is not allowed to be touched except by one in a lawful relationship of marriage. And whoever attempts to touch her – unlawfully – will earn a severe punishment or death.

3. Do you know the punishment for one who violates the marriage trust and cheats on his wife? The penalty is death, since he has fallen short in regards to the jewel which is with him, in addition to transgressing the rights of others.

4. Have you seen a jewel searching for a person (to possess it)? The same is the case of the women, like a precious jewel, she is the one who is sought out, not the seeker. It is incumbent upon the man to seek her hand. And if she agrees to marry him, then he will present to her a marriage dowry and something from his wealth.

5. Consider the Ruler or Head of State – if every one were able to speak to him directly and sit in his presence, he wouldn't be held in awe, nor possess the same prestige and status amongst the people that he has. Similarly, the woman is like a noble Queen. It is not the right of every person to speak to her directly or sit in her presence; this is something allowed to the select few.

6. The Supreme Being has created the male strong of body in order that he may go out and earn his livelihood, even in difficult circumstances. This is so that he may serve the women and children of his family. As for the woman, she has been created gentle, soft and sensitive, so that she may cultivate the future generations. The man goes out and works with the natural elements, while the woman deals with the human being (raising the children).

7. What do you think would happen if a lion and gazelle were placed together in one place? Is it possible for them to co-exist? Obviously not! Likewise, it is of necessity that the man be separated from the woman, in the interest of the woman. She is beautiful, attractive and weak. Hence, the strong will overcome her and devour her and violate her chastity – even if she were not willing.

8. The woman who performs work equal to the work of a man is entitled to – and is given – the same salary as the man.

9. The woman is allowed to work in any occupation, which she is capable of, as long as it is in consonance with the nature of her delicate physique.

10. The woman – like man - is addressed in the divine revelation with responsibilities for which she - like man - is equally rewarded.

11. The woman is excused from certain religious ceremonies and obligations during her post-child birth and menstrual periods, since these conditions are a cause of weakness and hence, she is in need of rest and relaxation.

12. If a woman dies while giving birth to a child, she is rewarded with the highest station in Paradise.

13. The person who is killed while defending his mother, wife, daughter or sister will be rewarded with the highest station in Paradise.

14. It is permissible for a woman to seek a separation from her husband if he has failed to fulfill her marital rights.

15. Is there anything more valuable to the human being than his life? Indeed, the honor and dignity of women is more valuable, precious and important to the Muslim than his own life.

16. It is permissible for the woman to remarry – whomever she desires – if he is divorced from her husband or widowed.

17. If a woman possesses wealth, she is free to use it in any lawful way, without permission of anyone [father, husband or others].

18. The woman has the right to the inheritance of her relative – at the time of his death – even if he does not desire that she receive it.

19. It is obligatory upon the man to spend his wealth for the maintenance – housing, food, etc. – of those under his care including his mother, wife or daughter, even if he doesn't desire to do so.

20. The mother has been given preference over the father – three times over – concerning their right to kindness and benevolence from their children.

21. Whoever truly desires paradise – Know that paradise lies at the feet of the mother, for the one who pleases her.

22. Whoever has daughters and treats them well – they will be a cause of him being screened from the hell-fire.

23. If a man kills a woman intentionally, he no longer deserves to live and will be killed, even if the victim was his wife.

24. The Messenger of Allah – Blessings of Allah and Peace be Upon him – advised concerning the woman: Treat the women well. He also said: The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives. He also said: No one honors the woman except an honorable man. And no one humiliates her or holds her in contempt except one who is evil, vile, wicked and depraved.

With these words I address you – as someone of intelligence:Is there any greater Honor than this?

Source: english.islamway.com

- Ramadan Checklist -

1. Ask Allah to enable you to reach Ramadan and to get the most out of it as the Salaf used to do.

2. Intend to fast every day with Iman and pure intention seeking the reward from Allah alone. The Prophet peace be upon him said, "Whoever fasts in Ramadan with Iman and seeking reward (from Allah) his past sins will be forgiven". (Bukhari)

3. Read the whole Qur'an at least once as the Prophet peace be upon him did.

4. Have Suhoor as the Prophet peace be upon him said, "Have Suhoor because it is blessed".

5. Make Du'a during the fast because the Prophet peace be upon him said that three people's supplication is not rejected one of them is the fasting person. Ask for the good of this life and the next for yourself, your family and Muslims in general.

6. Make Dua before opening the fast. The Prophet peace be upon him said, "The fasting person has a supplication that is answered when he opens his fast".

7. Give Sadaqah and be good to people. The Prophet peace be upon him was the most generous of people and he was most generous in Ramadan.

8. Avoid anything that diminishes the fast such as, lying, backbiting, cheating, getting angry. The Prophet peace be upon him said "Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink." [Bukhari]

9. Do not eat too much after Iftar.

10. Ask for forgiveness since this is the month Allah frees people from the fire.

11. Pray At-Tarawih with Khushoo. If you pray in the Masjid complete the Salah with the Imam. If you pray at home prolong the Salah as long as you can. The Prophet peace be upon him said, "Whoever prays during Ramadan with Iman and seeking reward (from Allah) his past sins will be forgiven".

12. Feed the poor and invite others for Iftar. The Prophet peace be upon him said, "Whoever gives Iftar to someone fasting he will have the same reward without decreasing the reward of the person fasting".

13. Try harder the last ten nights especially the odd nights. The prophet would strive in Ramadan more than he would in any other month and more so in the last ten days.

14. Say this Dua in the nights that Laitul-Qadr is likely to fall on: Allhumma innaka afuwun tuhibbul-afwa fa'fu anni (O Allah you are Forgiving and love forgiveness so forgive me).

15. Ask Allah to accept all your good actions during this month.

By Abu Talha

- Not Too Late...Benefit of the Last 10 Days of Ramadan -

The the glorious month of Ramadan is in itself a holy and blessed month, yet the Prophet (SAW) used to pay extra heed to the last 10 days of Ramadan, as this is when the Quran was revealed. Ramadan is divided into 3 parts, and each 10-day period has valueable significance:

First 10 days: Brings Allah’s mercy
2nd 10 days : Brings Allah’s forgiveness
3rd 10 days : Brings emancipation from hell-fire

*Note the importance of the last 10 days--Do not let these last precious days go to waste.*

The following is an article by Amr Khaled about preparing for the last 10 days:


Your whole life could depend on these last ten days of Ramadan. Let's concentrate today on these last ten days. Can you imagine if Allah (SWT) selected you among all other people to be a believer, just as Allah has selected the humans to be superior among all other creatures? Even above the angels! Then He selected the Prophets to be superior from the rest of mankind, and among the Prophets He selected five, who are called the Prophets who were greatly tested, such as Prophet Musa and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Look at the chain:

In the Holy Qur'an Allah said: "O Moses! I have chosen thee above (other) men, by the mission I (have given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee): take then the (revelation) which I give thee, and be of those who give thanks."" [Qur'an 7:144]

Then from among the women of the world, Allah (SWT) selected Mariam.

Behold! The angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations. [Qur'an 3:42]

Allah (SWT) also selected the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the Prophets; and one of his names is 'Al-Mustafa' (the chosen one). Then Allah (SWT) selected the companions to be close to the Prophet; to help and support him throughout his mission and to establish and spread the religion of Allah.

Above all, Allah (SWT) has selected us to be Muslims among the rest of mankind.

Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. [Qur'an 3:110]

From among the Muslims, Allah chose the martyrs. Bear in mind that not everyone can be a martyr; only those who have been chosen by Allah (SWT).

After that, Allah (SWT) selected the readers of the Holy Qur'an. A Prophetic saying, in its meaning, states that the people of the Qur'an are the Prophet's chosen group and his special people.

From among all the angels, Allah (SWT) selected Angel Gabriel.

From all the countries in the world, Makkah was selected as a holy city.

From all the mountains in the world, Mount Arafa was selected as a holy mountain.

From all the months, Ramadan was selected as a holy month; and from all the nights of Ramadan, the Night of Power (Laylat Al Qadr) was selected as a holy night.

After that, Allah (SWT) chose certain people to observe the Night of Power. Do you think you are going to be one of those lucky Muslims? Let's pray to Allah (SWT) that He selects us to be one of them.

Therefore, this is a lifetime opportunity to try your best to be selected among those who are going to observe the Night of Power.


Let's see how many times this special night was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. It was mentioned three times in the Night of Decree chapter "Al-Qadr" [Chapter 97] and in the last verse Allah informed us that this night is better than one thousand months.

Allah (SWT) explains that this night is holy since this is when the Qur'an was revealed. Not only that; thousands of Angels, including the Angel Gabriel, descend to earth on this night to ask for Allah's forgiveness on our behalf! Can you imagine this great honor?

Someone might ask 'what is the reason for this great night?' Some scholars have stated that the reason is so that the Angels can observe us worshipping Allah (SWT) in humbleness, crying for Allah's forgiveness and mercy. Therefore, they would bear witness that not all humans are blood thirsty and evil.

Therefore, Allah wants to remind the angels when they asked Him:

Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not." [Qur'an 2:30]

In addition, it is the night when our destiny, fate, provisions and life span will be written and decided. That's why it is called the Night of Power or the Night of Decree. You may think 'hasn't everything already been written and decided before we were created?' Yes, this is correct. But, every year on this night, the angels will descend to earth to write in our books what will happen to us in the coming year.

We sent it down during a Blessed Night: for We (ever) wish to warn (against Evil). [Qur'an 44:3]

Not only will events be written on a person level, but on a greater scale. The fate of our nation will be written and decided on this night too. Therefore, Allah (SWT) says:

Peace!...This until the rise of morn! [Qur'an 97:5]

This night lies in one of the odd numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. It is a time for the whole nation to pray for Allah's help and victory. So pay attention to how God and the Angels will find you when this great night is revealed. The state you will found in will be equal to the rewards you will achieve.


1. As said in a Prophetic saying, whoever prays on this night out of faith, will have his sins erased. Another Prophetic saying states that whoever prays on this night, remembering Allah, Allah (SWT) will forgive the believer and erase all his sins.

2. This night is better than one thousand months, equal to more than eighty four years, of continuous worship. Some might ask 'what sort of worship should we be performing? We should be performing all acts of worship, including praying, giving charity, reading the Qur'an, and so on.

3. Your supplications and prayers will surely be answered.

4. You will be saved from the Hell Fire. This night is equally important for the forgiveness of sins and for the saviour from the Hell Fire, as the day of Arafa during the month of Dhul-Hijja.

To express the importance of these last 10 days, the Prophet Muhammad would seclude himself in the Mosque (I'takaf), especially in the odd numbered nights.

Hence, as we have heard before, Angel Gabriel descended to earth to inform the Prophet of the specific date of the Night of Power. As the Prophet hurried to announce it to the Muslims, he saw two people engaged in a quarrel. He was very upset and consequently could not remember the date that Angel Gabriel had told him. Therefore it is a great sign for us to refrain from all sorts of quarrels and hostile feelings, if you want to observe and obtain this night. So this is a great opportunity for all of us to forgive and forget.


What is the best supplication to repeat during this night?

Lady Aisha, May Allah be pleased with her, asked the Prophet the same question. He replied that the best supplication is: 'O Allah, you are generous and forgiving, and you like forgivingness, so please forgive us.'

Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you to stop every little and big sin you can avoid, such watching music video clips, movies and indecent songs, at least for these last 10 days, as it will help you a great deal.


What did the Prophet do in these last ten days? Scholars told us that during these ten nights, the Prophet only concentrated on all forms of worship. He especially concentrated on praying during the night, reading the Qur'an, waking his family for the congregational prayers, and not approaching his wives, as well as making supplications to Allah.

Pay attention, if you are busy with important work or studying, you should be able to keep an equal balance between work and worship. Do not forget that Muslims used to fight in battles during Ramadan. However, they still managed to worship efficiently and at the same time take part in these battles.

How about the ladies who cannot pray during these last ten days due to menstruation? Do not forget that Allah is the most Merciful. Believe me, He knows your intentions, and He will reward you accordingly. This is also directed to the sick, disabled and old people who are not able to worship for valid reasons.

What can these people do to accomplish rewards equal to those who are able to worship? The best advice is to supplicate as much as possible, to remember Allah by praising and glorifying Him, by doing good deeds, i.e. giving charity and helping people in need; by attending Islamic lectures, listening to the Qur'an, and crying humbly to Allah for loosing such a great opportunity and asking Him for rewards.

- Welcome -

Assalamu Alikom

This being the first entry that I post, I would like to welcome my readers and thank you for coming to visit the Muslimeen for Islam Blog Journal.

The idea to create and start this blog is to further reach out to others who may not reach our research, dawah materials, and other works from the Muslimeen for Islam web-based Yahoo!Group community or Myspace.

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On the Muslimeen for Islam blog you will also updates to the mission's progress, activities, and works. Please stay tuned and keep up to date.

We hope to be blessed with your visit again, and we thank you for your membership and interest in Muslimeen for Islam. We at Muslimeen for Islam like to stress the importance of "we" -- and this includes people such as yourself being a part of our mission.

Assalamu Alikom

We are Muslims trying to educate and clarify our beautiful religion. We are Non-Muslims connecting out hand in hand in pursuit for knowledge. We are in search of peace. We are in search of a bridge that unites both sides to clarify misconceptions and breaking down the barriers.

Our mission is to network and connect with other Muslims and Islamic organizations worldwide in order to promote da'wah and motivate Muslims to increase personal activism for the cause of Islam. Our mission is also to unite Muslims and Non-Muslims so that both sides can break through prejudices. Our key goal is to break down the barriers and spread our knowledge to others about Islam.

"Watch your thoughts.
They become words.
Watch your words.
They become actions.
Watch your actions.
They become habits.
Watch your habits.
They become character.
Watch your character.
It becomes your destiny."
-Imam Abdullah Ibn Malik

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Vanity & Arrogance
The Haram Police (Ummah Films)
Revelation in "Passion of the Christ"
Hijab Etiquette
Allah will Give Shade to Seven
Seven Reasons to Read the Qur'an
Signs of Allah in Eyes
Unity in the Ummah
Scarves do not kill, Veils do not explode
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