- Sites for Charity & Zakat - Friday, October 20, 2006

With Ramadan coming to a close, it is essential we think about Zakat and charity. Please take a look at these...

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due." -Al-Baqarah, Ayah 177

1. Islamic Relief Worldwide
Click on the pictures:

"I and the person who looks after an orphan will be in Paradise together like this..." (raising his forefinger and middle finger together). -- Hadith Bukhari

2. National Cancer Institute 57357



"Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists). Has (He) created man from a clot? Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. Has taught man that which he knew not. Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds. Because he considers himself self-sufficient. Surely! Unto your Lord is the return." --Al-Alaq, Ayahs 1:8

A Video for Unicef:

5. Red Cross/Red Crescent

Click on Picture to be directed to Palestine Relief for Red Crescent:

6. Make Poverty History


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